The Goal: Sustainability in all areas

As a manufacturer of innovative onshore wind turbines, we help to continually increase the share of renewable energies in the global energy mix. Sustainability is the core of our business model, and
we are convinced that it is essential not only for the commercial future of the Nordex Group but also to preserve our environment for future generations.
For this reason, the Nordex Group pursues a holistic approach above and beyond our business model by setting ambitious targets for ourselves and continuously striving for improvements.
The objective is clear, how to get there is described in our Sustainability Strategy.
Sustainability Management
At the Nordex Group, the Global Sustainability Management department is responsible for the company’s strategic development of sustainability topics and remains in constant contact with all areas of the company to coordinate and manage sustainability measures and meet our stakeholders’ growing information requirements. It reports directly to the Chief Financial Officer of the Nordex Group. Our company-wide Global Sustainability Network, coordinated by the Sustainability Management department, is an important platform for discussing and driving cross-departmental sustainability issues.
At the heart of its Agenda 2030, the United Nations General Assembly adopted 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. The Nordex Group has integrated these objectives into its sustainability approach. We see our potential for influence particularly in the five SDGs as our business activities can make a significant contribution to their achievement: ‘Affordable and Clean Energy’ (7), ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth’ (8), ‘Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure’ (9), ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’ (12) and ‘Climate Action’ (13). Please find a comprehensive description of our contribution to and impact on the SDGs here: Nordex’ SDG Report.
Sustainability Strategy 2025
Our Sustainability Strategy 2025 entitled “Together for change – Wind for a sustainable future”, forms the framework for responsible actions in all areas of the organization.
We conducted an extensive materiality analysis in order to identify the material issues for the Nordex Group, sustainability-related trends and developments, and to find out to what extent our performance matches our potential and requirements in the opinion of external stakeholders. We engaged with customers, investors and suppliers and then with internal stakeholder groups. Based on this materiality analysis we set smart targets, underpinned by specific measures for these topics to launch the next stage of consistent sustainable development in our company.
Sustainability ratings & ESG scores
As of January 2025
There are various ESG ratings agencies that continuously monitor and confirm Nordex’ sustainability performance. ESG stands for Environment, Social and Governance. The agencies collect information on these topics, conduct research and evaluate companies. These ratings encourage transparency concerning sustainability performance in our industry.
Rating outcome: B+ PRIME
One of the leading ratings agencies worldwide in the area of sustainable investments, ISS ESG, evaluated the Nordex Group with B+ PRIME in 2025.
Rating outcome: B
The CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) rating, which focuses on environmental impact, scored the Nordex Group with a “B“ in the category of climate change in early 2024.
Rating outcome: BBB
The goal of the MSCI rating is to measure a company’s resilience to long-term ESG risks. In 2024, Nordex achieved the rating of “BBB” (on a scale from AAA-CCC) in the MSCI ESG rating.
Rating outcome: 74 Gold
The Nordex Group was awarded a gold medal in recognition of its sustainability achievements in 2024. The EcoVadis method involves the evaluation of guidelines, actions and reports published by companies in the thematic areas of environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.
Rating outcome: 17.8 Low Risk
Sustainalytics helps investors to identify financially significant ESG risks at the security and portfolio level. The agency measures the Nordex Group’s exposure to industry-specific significant ESG risks and assesses how well we manage these risks. In 2024, Nordex received an ESG Risk Rating of 17.8 points and was classified as low risk by Sustainalytics.
S&P Global
Rating outcome: 45
The S&P Global ESG Score measures a company’s performance on and management of material ESG risks, opportunities, and impacts informed by a combination of company disclosures, media and stakeholder analysis, modelling approaches, and in-depth company engagement. In January 2025, we reached a S&P Global ESG Score of 45, what lays above average in the industry IEQ Machinery and Electrical Equipment.
Sustainability reports & certifications
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Since 2016, the we release an annual Sustainability Report, describing our policies, targets, activities, risks and opportunities and key performance indicators (KPIs)in the area of sustainability. and. The focus lies on the topics that we identified in the materiality analysis and that are part of our Sustainability Strategy. The Sustainability Report is audited by an independent auditing firm in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 (ISAE 3000, Revised). The Nordex Group reports following the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework.
Sustainability Reports
Sustainability Key Facts
ISO Certifications Division Europe
ISO 9001:2015
Certificate & Annex Nordex SE (includes all sites as per certificate and annex)
ISO 14001:2015
Certificate & Annex Nordex SE (includes all sites as per certificate and annex)
ISO 50001:2018
Certificate & Annex Nordex SE & Co. KG (includes all sites as per certificate and annex)
ISO 45001:2018
Certificate & Annex Nordex SE (includes all sites as per certificate and annex)
ISO/IEC 27001:2013
Certificate, Annex Nordex SE (includes all sites as per certificate and annex)
ISO Certifications Division International & Division North America
ISO 9001:2015
Certificate & Annex Nordex Energy International (includes all sites as per certificate and annex)
Certificate & Annex Nordex Energy International (includes all sites as per certificate and annex)
ISO 45001:2018
Certificate & Annex Nordex Energy International (includes all sites as per certificate and annex)
Certificate & Annex Nordex Energy International (includes all sites as per certificate and annex)
ISO 14001:2015
Certificate & Annex Nordex Energy International (includes all sites as per certificate and annex)
Certificate & Annex Nordex Energy International (includes all sites as per certificate and annex)
Policies, Guidelines & Statements
QHSE Policy
Diversity & Inclusion Policy
Human Rights Policy
Code of Conduct for Employees
Code of Conduct for Contractors and Suppliers
Whistleblower System Policy
Crime Prevention & Anti-Fraud Policy
Green Electricity Policy
Rules of Procedure for the Complaints Procedure pursuant to the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (GSCA)
German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (GSCA) Policy Statement 2024
Nordex Group Forced Labor & Modern Slavery Policy 2025
Modern Slavery Statement Nordex Oceania Pty Ltd 2023
Modern Slavery Statement Nordex UK Ltd & Nordex Energy Ireland Ltd 2023