Category: <span>Company news</span>

The Nordex Group has been active in the Mexican wind market since 2009 and, with an installed capacity of 1,171 MW and 676 MW of turbines under construction, holds a market share of 19 per cent (February, 2020). Our local headquarters are located in Mexico’s capital, Mexico City, which is the hub of the country’s […]

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In Turkey, the Nordex Group is not only the market leader, but, in the last year, has also sold the most turbines in this region – which is precisely the reason why “The Nordex Group around the World” series begins its focus here. The company has been active in the Turkish wind energy market since 2009, and in 2016, Nordex Enerji A.S. Turkey became the market leader and continues to hold this position with a market share of 27 percent and a current installed capacity of over 2,134 MW, as well as 825 MW under construction (January 2020)

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Recently the Nordex Group has reached a milestone: the 1000th concrete tower for an AW125/3000 machine left the Brazilian factory in Lagoa do Barro do Piauí for the 595 MW “Lagoa dos Barros” wind farm. Due to the current order backlog for turbines in the AW platform, the Nordex Group will manufacture a further 1000 concrete towers by the end of 2020.
Around 15 – 20 per cent of the total cost of wind turbines are accounted for by the tower and the related logistics costs for transport to the wind farm. The locally manufactured concrete towers of the Nordex Group are in many cases the most cost-effective solution.

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Giving back: Our employees know best how the Nordex Group can support the local communities where we work

Building its Logoa do Barro wind farm near the City of Lagoa do Barro do Piaui, Brazil, our team was informed that a planned modernisation of a toy library for children can’t be realised because of a lack of funds.

Without further ado, our team helped out and in close cooperation with the local government the construction works for the building were started.

Furthermore, Nordex Energy Brazil donated 20 notebooks for a new technology room.
This project serves 150 children between three and five years old from the Maria Joana de Jesus School next door.

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