Nordex Electrolyzers develops the first prototype of a 500-kW pressurized alkaline electrolyzer

  • It is the biggest electrolyzer designed, manufactured, and assembled entirely in Spain
  • The presentation of the prototype coincided with the inauguration of our testing plant on the industrial estate of Lumbier (Navarra), in a ceremony attended by the President of Navarra, María Chivite, and the CEO of Nordex Group, José Luis Blanco, among other authorities.

On June 17, 2024, Nordex Electrolyzers – a joint venture between the Government of Navarra and Nordex Group, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of wind turbines, inaugurated a test bench in its plant at Lumbier. The ceremony was attended by Maria Chivite, President of the Government of Navarra, Mikel Irujo, Minister for Industry, Ecological Transition and Business Digitalization of the Government of Navarra, José Luis Blanco, CEO of Nordex Group and local authorities. The company presented its first in-house-developed prototype of a 500-kW pressurized alkaline electrolyzer to the public. The prototype was designed, manufactured and assembled entirely in Navarra, Spain. The electrolyzer will be validated in the facility the company built for this purpose on the site of the Nordex Group’s blade factory in Lumbier, very close to the city of Pamplona.

CEO of Nordex Electrolyzers Luis Solla, said: “This prototype is part of Nordex Electrolyzers’ proposed business development plan, which aims to have the final design of its serializable MW-scale product available by 2026.” The first of the prototypes with 50 kW, operational since 2023, is currently in the testing and characterization phase at Nordex Electrolyzers’ facility in Puertollano (Ciudad Real). It has shown very promising results in terms of efficiency and flexibility in relation to renewable energies.

The 500-kW prototype presented can produce more than 10 kg/h of hydrogen with an energy consumption of less than 50 kWh/kg. It is specially designed to work with power changes and frequent stops. This, together with the right selection of materials, will allow the company to differentiate its product from other manufacturers. Nordex Group’s experience as a wind turbine manufacturer, with factories worldwide, offers competitive synergies to Nordex Electrolyzers to become one of the world’s leading electrolyzer manufacturers, enabling the Nordex Group to integrate hydrogen generation into its value chain.

Luis Solla adds: “One of Nordex Electrolyzers’ commitments is the manufacture of high-quality and efficient electrolyzers, as well as a focus on sustainability and contribution to the transition towards a clean energy-based economy.”

The President of Navarra, María Chivite, highlighted “the industrial milestone that this prototype represents for Navarra and Spain, which also ties in with the strategic priorities of the Government of Navarra, including the development of renewable energies and green hydrogen, supporting its development through innovation, talent, and a sustainable growth model.” The President recalled that “Navarra has an attractive ecosystem in this area, and that historically we have been a pioneering region in renewables, a leadership that we wish to continue promoting together with companies, confident of the success of public-private partnerships.”

“Financial support from Sodena as a shareholder of Nordex Electrolyzers has clearly been the driving force to make the implementation of strategic and pioneering projects such as this one a reality for Navarra, in addition to working with an industrial partner of international importance,” said Mikel Irujo, Minister of Industry, Ecological Transition and Business Digitalization of the Government of Navarra.
Hydrogen is set to become one of the most important energy vectors of the future. Not only will it allow for better management and integration of renewable energies, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions, but will also allow for the decarbonization of many industrial sectors that currently require large amounts of hydrogen for their processes. This hydrogen is currently produced through an auto-thermal reforming process from natural gas, but the production of green hydrogen using electrolyzers is the technology that can be a key element in achieving these objectives.
Nordex Electrolyzers is part of the Nordex Group, created in 2022 with the aim of designing and manufacturing pressurized alkaline electrolyzers. Nordex Electrolyzers is in a growth phase, currently employing 26 people and aiming to grow as technological development milestones are met. The regional development agency SODENA (Sociedad de Desarrollo de Navarra) participates in the company with a 15% stake. The electrolyzer development plan is partially financed with 12 million euros by the European Commission, through an IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest) under the Hy2Tech program.

Learn more: Nordex Electrolyzers S.L.