Conceptual Travel

Conceptual travel has been the dedicated travel agency for Nordex South Africa since 2012. We have grown from 1 person to having 3 staff with offices located in Westlake, Cape Town.
Nordex has been instrumental in the growth and development of Conceptual travel through the supplier enterprise development programme since 2014.
Through this programme we were able to send staff on training, move to bigger premises, purchase a travel specific accounting package to name a few . With this continued business relationship I believe Conceptual Travel will grow and create more
Jobs in the future. Thank you Nordex!

CC 2008 139 98623
Vat 49202 51248
Unit C5A, Westlake Square, Westlake Drive, Westlake, 7945
Tel.: +27 21 701 2354
Mobile: +27 82 849 8036
Janine Mocke – Managing Owner