Nordex Group started its Construction Skills Development Programme in Roggeveld, South Africa

 On 1st July 2020, the Nordex Group started its Construction Skills Development Programme in Roggeveld, South Africa. It consists of 15 young people between the ages of 20 to 28, split equally men and women – from the communities of Sutherland, Laingsburg and Matjiesfontein. The area is characterised by low education outcomes and skills base, disproportionately affecting previously disadvantaged people and limited short-to-medium term supply of technical skilled labour.

The programme’s aim is to expand the knowledge and competencies of the labour force for improving productivity and employment as envisaged in the South African Skills Development Act of 1998. Our aim is to improve the quality of life of workers, their work prospects and labour mobility in the renewable energy sector.

The learners will gain working experience on site before starting at a training service provider in Capetown to acquire formal Basic Technical Training which is Global Wind Organisation (GWO) accredited. The Nordex Group is proud to note that this is amongst the first massive skills development programme initiated in the renewable energy sector so far. It’s funded in line with the National Skills Development Levy, which is based on 3% of Nordex Energy South Africa’s total annual payroll.