Nordex scoring again in Ireland

Construction of the 32.5 MW project to commence in 2009

Hamburg, July 29, 2009. Nordex UK’s business is continuing to grow in Ireland and Great Britain. The company has now been awarded a contract by its major customer ABO Wind for 13 2.5 MW turbines for the ‘Glenough’ wind farm in the South of Ireland. Work on installing the N80/N90 turbines at their site in County Tipperary will be commencing this summer, with the wind farm to go on line in 2010.

Given the current conditions in the financial markets, the fact that funding has been obtained for the ‘Glenough Project’ is a positive sign,’ says Carsten Pedersen, COO Sales and Marketing. Thanks to this contract, Ireland/Great Britain will again be one of Nordex’s most important markets in 2009. In fact, in the first half of the year, roughly 13 percent of its new business arose in this region.

With an installed capacity of 32.5 MW, ‘Glenough’ is ABO Wind’s largest project to date.  The project developer plans to operate the wind farm itself via its subsidiary Eurowind, thus entering a new area of business. This location is characterized by very good wind speeds of an average of over 9 m/s. In this way, ‘Glenough’ will be able to produce some 120 gigawatt/hours of clean electricity and prevent some 100,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.


The Nordex Group

The Group has installed more than 29 GW of wind energy capacity in over 40 markets and in 2019 generated revenues of EUR 3.3 billion. The company currently employs a workforce of approx. 7,900. The joint manufacturing capacity includes factories in Germany, Spain, Brazil, the United States, India, Argentina and Mexico. The product portfolio is focused on onshore turbines in the 2.4 to 5.X MW class, which are tailor-made for the market requirements in countries with limited space and regions with limited grid capacity.


Press contact

Felix Losada

p: +49-40-30030-1141

IR contact

Felix Zander
p: +49 (40) 30030 1116
m: +49 (1520) 9024029


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