Nordex SE: Release according to Article 26, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

Nordex SE 09.05.2016 13:18Dissemination of a Voting Rights Announcement, transmitted byDGAP - a service of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.---------------------------------------------------------------------------Notification pursuant to Section 27a para 1 of the German SecuritiesTrading Act ('WpHG')Reference is made to the voting rights notifications dated 8 April 2016 bywhich Acciona S.A. has notified Nordex SE (the 'Company') of having crossedthe voting rights threshold of 25% and now holding totally 28,997,752ordinary shares in the Company equal to 29.90% of the Company's votingrights.The crossing of the aforesaid voting rights threshold is a result of thesubscription of 16,100,000 new shares in the Company in the context of thecapital increase resolved upon on 31 March 2016 which became effective on 5April 2016, and the acquisition of 12,897,752 shares from Company'sshareholders.We, hereby declare the following:1. Objectives pursued by the acquisition of voting rights (Section 27a para1 sentence 3 WpHG)a) Acciona S.A. is a strategic investor, and the acquisition of the votingrights by Acciona S.A. is designed to pursue mutual strategic objectives.b) According to the business combination and share purchase agreement dated5/6 October 2016, Acciona S.A. has undertaken for a period of thirty-sixmonths following 1 April 2016 not to acquire further shares in the Companyif and to the extent that by such acquisition Acciona would hold 30% ormore of the voting rights in the Company.c) Acciona S.A. is not pursuing to take influence in the composition of theCompany's management board and supervisory board, save as provided for inthe business combination and share purchase agreement dated 5/6 October2016.d) Acciona S.A. is not pursuing a substantial amendment of the Company'scurrent capital structure, particularly not in view of the Company'sdebt/equity ratio and the dividend policy.2. Origin of the financial means utilized to acquire the voting rights inthe Company (Section 27a para. 1 sentence 4 WpHG)The new shares in the Company have been subscribed for against contributionin kind consisting of all shares held by Acciona S.A. in CorporacíonAcciona Windpower S.L. The consideration paid for the shares purchased fromCompany's shareholder derived from own resources.Madrid, 3 May 2016Mr. Jorge Vega-Penichet LópezSecretary GeneralAcciona S.A.09.05.2016 The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at and Language:     EnglishCompany:      Nordex SE              Erich-Schlesinger-Straße 50              18059 Rostock              GermanyInternet: End of Announcement                             DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------